Rump Rail Options

Stall work is supplied with overhead support trusses to hang the rump rails from.

The most popular and cow friendly rump rail, allowing comfortable positioning along the rail for variable sized cows.

Long herringbone parlours with straight troughs avail of this option.

The stainless steel constructed butt pan keeps the milking pit clean and catches any dung before it hits the ground & flushes it to one end of the milking pit to a drain. 

Stainless steel or galvanised sheeting can be constructed onto the rump rail design to keep the pit and operator safe from dung while in the milking pit. 

A galvanised or stainless steel folded kerbing is bolted to the side of the pit wall to ensure the animals hoofs do not enter the pit. 

If extra labour is available in a swing over milking system, the parlour chariot can get more jobs done in the pit other than milking!

A pressurised water system may be supplied into the parlour. This allows instant cleaning during milking…